Nature contains
many secrets to
support well~being.

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[modern medicine - ancient panacea]

We source the best quality natural health medicines and bridge ancient principles of healing with modern sources. Simple, efficient functional nutrition, naturopathic + body-mind-spirit wellness coaching  service, Australia wide.

If you are in an international location, we can support you with a wellness plan and identify / help you source the right product in your country of your origin.

We ensure all our services are truly tailored to you. Our approach starts on the inside. 

We've been in the Wellness Industry for over 20 years. From the powder to the potions, the lotions and more, we have see many things come and go.

Cleansing, re-aligning, balancing and nourishing to improve
your well-being.

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A unique clinic
with an
integrative approach

Our relationships with our clients mean everything to us.

There is nothing more annoying than having 10-15 min with a practitioner to go over your health concerns. So we do things differently, by spending an abundance of time to hear you and then prepare our Wellness plan for you. For this reason our questions are comprehensive, we look at your health with a 'holistic' lens and often ask way more questions than you expect! For us a 'more is more' approach works better!

'Mindful' Acupuncture
(+ Sound therapy)

Be calm to be effective


/50 min

Initial Functional Nutritional Medicine &/or Naturopathic Wellness Plans 3-6 month wellness plan + prescribed customised supplements

To feel optimally well.



MultiLevel  Inner-Awareness Healing & Insight.
To know your inner Self.



Addition of general & nutritional
functional testing 

Functional testing labs :
-Nutripath Labs
-Microba Insights Co-Biome
-Hair Tissue Heavy Metal and Mineral Analysis
-DUTCH testing


Modern wellness begins with Insight into your own uniqueness, what works for you  & not just a 'cookie cutter' approach.

Diet & Lifestyle + Mindful Living

Clinical Supplements may play a part in restoring or
supporting more biochemical balance in vulnerable areas of the body or for times of inner shifts, integration and life changes .

Diet & lifestyle help maintain the balance that supports a well body.

Multi-level awareness  to uncover layers and choices you have to live a fuller  & more balanced life.

You are a multidimensional being not just a physical form. At times the physical body needs some extra help integrating as the souls journey expands.

Coaching helps align to your unique bigger picture and to be present, mindful and in alignment with your highest potential.


Disclaimer: We are  unable to prescribe nutritional support with existing cancer, liver, kidney or pancreatic disease or any medically diagnosed severe anxiety/psychological disorders.

Post Viral Protein Detox

Are you a feeling exhausted after a round of viral infections? Feeling flat or 'never been well' since catching the Flu or Common Cold, EBV or even Covid.

Using a specific source of naturally derived supplements and nutrients including Mitochondrial support, we can assist in alleviating some of the lingering fatigue after these occasions. 

Winter preparation

Engaging in a sensible prevention program to arm the immune system before winter is common practice for Naturopathic practitioners. We assess your bloods and check what vitamins you may need to boost in preparation for the season as well as inflammatory markers and immune sensitivities.

Supporting the GUT microbiome

Microbiome science has exploded and this is clarifying not just how many beneficial bacteria we are hosts to, but which ones specifically can be encouraged through  food choices and supplemented if required to maintain optimal gut, immune health.

Secret soul Business #upgrading

The body is the temple of. the soul and as your energy shifts and clears, so does the requirement to be grounded and supported via good health. Highly sensitive people may need some modified support and a sympathetic  practitioner who understands the nuances of being a HSP..

Keen you energy supported, grounded and clear as you navigate these interesting times of accessing greater conscious awareness along your souls path .

Love your Gut & Liver

Want to know if your gut -microba is flourishing with abundant healthful diversity? We are Microba Co-Biome trained and can offer extensive gut microbial testing before any support is planned. Balancing digestion and absorption using functional nutritional plans, optimising  digestion and elimination. We know how much women like to eliminate bloating,  so they don't feel like they are carrying a pseudo-belly around. 

For the Good fats _ LDL /HDL balance. Cholesterol &  The optimisation of bile can be managed through adaptive diet and co-supportive therapies that enable a better management of these critical fats in daily life.

Energy Trio :  Thyroid, Adrenals &  Iron Absorption 

Bring back your energy and flow in life
to live gracefully through the demands of modern living. We create plans to nourish the body from issues such as adrenal insufficiency and cortisol imbalance, thyroid and reverse T3. We test thoroughly through blood, and saliva before prescribing any support. 

Resistant  to absorbing iron? Improving iron reserves without the overload of gut issues IS achievable  using clear and guided pathways and specific functional  nutritional medicines that gently improve iron without overload, toxicity or inflammation.

Often after infections such as EBV or H Pilori the stomach  can require digestive support to break down and utilise iron correctly and efficiently. 

Hormonal 'Windows of opportunity'

Functional Nutrition may help to support hormone and conception optimisation. Iron, iodine, folate, B9, B12  are all a part of a wellness plan & to improve fertility. Our TCM training also helps us address issues from an inner Qi perspective, using timeless and safe healing herbs &/or Acupuncture if required.

Menstrual imbalance may also be supported via functional planning and cycling the right support within the luteal and follicular phases of the cycle. Or you can just move on past the pre-period 'slump' with a bit of extra support for your mood.

Secret Womens Business #part 1

Navigating Womens health the through
the ebbs and flows of hormone change + life stages. At the core of each plan is a deep acknowledgment of natural biological transitional fluctuations that occur in
women in varying degrees from
different ages. No two women are the same.
Perimenopause, Menopause and Post Menopause can be viewed in a completely new light when approached holistically through th lens of Functional Nutrition.

Navigating Womens vaginal health through times of hormonal change using naturally produced vaginal support that can be safely administered alongside or independent of HRT.

A better belly 

Have you considered how to make your body better from the inside out?  It not just flat exterior muscles that you need to look slim, but a healthy gut, liver and bowel.

Metabolic disorders can creep up suddenly after the age of 40. Things like insulin resistance, digestive hyper or hypo- acidity causing pain or bloating, inability to metabolise fat well and higher cholesterol. These are not inevitable but signs that the body needs help to get through the metabolic sluggish wave and into a state of balance.


Inflammation can underly fatigue, ageing and stress. We use nutritional support to get to the core of joint and tissue &/or headache inflammation, including  peripheral and central sensitisation.

This can be done independent to/or aligned alongside safe and effective allied modalities such as acupuncture, chiropractic and oestopathic care). Our anti-inflammatory diets and wellbeing nutraceutical support regimes so you wake up lighter and brighter.

Pre +* post cycle Acupuncture

Our TCM training also helps us address issues from an inner Qi perspective, using timeless and safe  Acupuncture if required.

Menstrual imbalance may also be supported via functional planning and cycling the right support within the luteal and follicular phases of the cycle.

Timing acupuncture during ovulation, in the pre and post Embryo transfer time and in early prenancy can support Qi through the meridians. This helps with easing the intense emotions often accompanying the desire to g et pregnant

Or you can just move on past the pre-period 'slump' with a bit of extra support for your mood.

An aligned aura

The subtle energetic flows of the meridians interconnects to the aura and the chakra system. IN some cases deep emotional and energetic issues have a physical effect on the body.

Subtle energies, like the 'wei qi '  or the aura can be directly improved by working on the inner physical mind-body.

A flatter belly 

Windy, bloated and even a protruding muffin top?

Digestive hyper or hypo- acidity causing pain or bloating, insufficient digestive enzymes like lipase and amylase and and inability to break down FODMAPS or sugars such as lactose and gluten may all be at play here. These are not inevitable but signs that the body needs help through diet awareness and planning as well as some support to achieve  a state of balance.

Progesterone and Oestrogen ups and downs also have a relationship to gut motility and may cause loose or constipated stools if not managed.


Sleep is the most important anti-ageing solution! If sleep is disturbed it may affect blood sugars, a healthy weight, the  balance of hormones, the ideal functioning of the digestive system, let alone result in fatigue and brain fog.

We use methods to naturally regain the good circadian rhythm between night and day: including cortisol and melatonin balance, gut and nervous system soothing agents and of course the environmental importance of building a healthy sleep space, known as 'sleep hygiene'.

Pre +* post baby

Our TCM training also helps us address issues from an inner Qi perspective, using timeless and safe  Acupuncture if required.

Restoring tired qi after a baby is born is the Quintessential root of chinese medicine philosophy.

The clear mind

No one likes to feel foggy, confused and out of the  present moment. But what if your struggling to stay on task, get things done and be clear in your mind? 

Our Nutritionist can set up an ideal food and mood plan, as well as the aid of the right type of supplements to support and maximise focus attention and reduce the fog. 

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Restoring the physical
and mind-body  with compassion and clear insight.

As integrative nutrition practitioners, we view people as a whole being, instead of a conglomerate of parts. This approach can help us connect the dots, for truly holistic healing.

Investing in natural health can offer numerous benefits for both your well-being and your overall quality of life. Here are several reasons why people choose to invest in natural health:

1. **Preventative Health:** Natural health approaches often focus on preventing illness and maintaining wellness rather than simply treating symptoms after they arise. This can lead to a healthier and more resilient body over the long term.

2. **Reduced Side Effects:** Many natural health practices, such as herbal remedies and dietary changes, have fewer side effects compared to pharmaceutical drugs and medical interventions. This can lead to a gentler and more sustainable approach to health.

3. **Holistic Approach:** Natural health often takes a holistic view of the body, considering physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. This can address the root causes of health issues rather than just managing symptoms.

4. **Personalized Care:** Natural health practitioners often provide personalized recommendations tailored to an individual's unique needs and health challenges. This can lead to more effective and targeted treatments.

5. **Lifestyle Benefits:** Natural health often encourages healthier lifestyle choices, such as improved nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and adequate sleep. These changes can have positive ripple effects on overall health and well-being.

6. **Empowerment:** Investing in natural health can empower individuals to take an active role in their own health and well-being. It can provide education and tools for self-care and self-empowerment.

7. **Fewer Toxins:** Many natural health approaches promote the use of natural and organic products, reducing exposure to potentially harmful chemicals and toxins present in conventional treatments.

8. **Mind-Body Connection:** Natural health often acknowledges the strong connection between the mind and body. Practices like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga can help manage stress, improve mental health, and promote overall wellness.

9. **Environmental Sustainability:** Choosing natural health options can align with environmentally sustainable practices, such as supporting organic farming and reducing the environmental impact of healthcare choices.

10. **Long-Term Health:** By investing in natural health, individuals may be more likely to enjoy long-term health benefits and a higher quality of life as they age.

While natural health can offer many advantages, it's not a replacement for conventional medical care when needed. Integrating natural health practices with conventional medicine under the guidance of healthcare experts can provide a well-rounded approach to health and wellness.


Firstly we always Test then Assess.

We do Comprehensive screening for many common health deficiencies
such as B12, Folate Iron, D, Zinc, magnesium, copper, MTHFR,
gut flora/microbiome, and the competing complex interactions
between nutrients, medicines and lifestyle. We view the body as a
'whole' and utilise current Nutritional science interventions to
create tailored support  for your unique age,
biological needs and health status.

Root Cause Analysis: Instead of simply addressing symptoms,
functional nutrition aims to identify and address the root causes
of health problems. This involves looking at factors such as
nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, gut health,
inflammation, and oxidative stress.

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Women specific health mindset coaching

Women's positive mindset coaching is diverse, but it typically involves understanding how to balance the energy of the mind and body. 

-Women often under estimate their potential.
-Women have more sense of obligation to to do their work burn out when their are not giving back to themselves.
-May blame themselves first without thinking more about it.
-Can try fix everyone else’s problems before their own.
Yet women are extraordinary - They have an array of inner gifts when their use their energy wisely

Women have innate gifts that are different to men,
but not in competition to them as they are 'wired' differently:
-Naturally more attuned to their intuition and guidance.
-Can tell if somethings right or not without even asking.
-Have incredible love and compassion at the core of their being.
-Are amazingly creative and can apply creativity with insight.
-Have wonderful energy reserves  and think of the bigger picture.

-Have extraordinary energy by nature, as they are wired to work in a multitasking manner.
And so much more...

Positive mindset coaching is to help get the best out of any wellness plan we help to identify any patterns that sabotage efforts towards healthy living. This can be related to diet, wellness, healthy lifestyle, burnout and fatigue patterns

Modern diet

Tuning into body-consciouness
Keys to eat consciously

1.  Pause, be calm, become present to eat CONSCIOUSLY  (not mindlessly)
2. Listening to the BODY for true cues for what to eat.
3. Making choices that support the body in the moment not from the endless mind chatter of what to eat and what not to eat!

We create 'wellness-food plans' to support:

- Your bowel flora to build a better microbiome (stool testing via Microba Labs Co-biome).
- Optimising digestive enzymes, bile, liver health and the good 'stuf' inside you gut.
- Aligning blood sugars and hormones to help you make better food 'choices'.
- Tailored cleansing.
- A mindful approach to eating without guilt.
- Use of 'good' fats & proteins for optimal brain and cell function.
- Therapeutic superfoods that enhance wellbeing.
- Freedom for fun times (yes) if your not intolerant of course! ...
(we all know that denial doesn't work long term!)
- No strict denial of simple pleasures (mmm, so coffee is okay!).

We weigh it all up and build a real life approach.

We encourage food choices that
support your age and metabolic/genetic disposition
and specific health
concerns with a balanced approach to long term wellness.


Detox & Age Well.
Why accept the normal preconceptions that ageing must be a drawn out unpleasant experience?

Heavy Metal Detoxification, True-Age testing,  Methylation genes and other functional tests may assist in clarifying what you need to focus on.

It does not matter where you live as have many client in remote Australia and work online as well. We ensure all you need is delivered to your door for a successful wellness Program. 

Follow our guidance and start making the switches, that support your longer term goals.

Making sure your gut, liver, bowel flora are all supported safely, using TGA approved nutraceuticals in low doses.

Cleansing using any combination of superfoods, supplemental powers, dietary avoidance of toxic foods for small periods of time.

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Detox + Adapt to the moment

The classic program of detoxification (purification) of the body at the cellular level, supplemented by the power of Functional Clinical Nutrition.

Functional Integrative Nutritional Medicine is more than dietary awareness. It encompasses factors such as food choices, activity levels, environmental exposures, absorption or sensitivity issues which are underlying the presence of health symptoms.

"The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. There are two important aspects to this definition.- First, wellness is not a passive or static state, but rather an “active pursuit” that is associated with intentions, choices, and actions. Second, wellness is linked to holistic health – that is, it extends beyond physical health and incorporates many different dimensions, including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental dimensions."

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Manifest your goals.

1. Be clear inside yourself - define your own space and intentions.
2. Have an intention or plan.
3. Be connected to your innate truth - be sovereign.
4. Be aligned in your physical body grounded in the physical dimension.

 Balancing Acupuncture for Hormone support


Support the body.

Holistic approached to improve well-being.


Nourish the soul within the body.

Mediteranean diets
>an approach to 'mindful' eating

Insights into the Italian diet- 'Mindful' before the word even became popular.

With modern science and research proving the benefits of Mediterranean diets on longevity & health,
we dive deeper into how this may be supportive to you from a culture of mind, body and digestive health.

The famous "blue zones" include remote parts of Sardinia and Greece, are examples of places 
people are able to live (without overmedication),  to ripe old ages in surprisingly good health! Their simple
eating habits reflect a culture of being in harmony with their natural environment.

When you observe the habits and traditions of the Italian/Mediterranean style of eating (often very
similar to Greek, Lebanese, Maltese, Spanish cultures), it will include may long time honoured naturopathic
principles that promote  mindfulness and  natural health :

- Greeting your friends  (pausing to connect, a 'mindful' moment).
- Optimising digestive enzymes, bile, liver health with a pre-digestive drink or bitter food (olives, preserved vegetables are common too).
- Collecting herbs and/or garden vegetables to prepare the meal ( a mindful connection to the natural environment, aka 'biophilia').
- Mineralised water (soured naturally from springs rich in balanced essential minerals + cleansing for the kidneys)
- Use of 'good' fats & proteins for optimal brain and cell function  (fish, olive, nut oils).
- Therapeutic superfoods that enhance antioxidants (artichokes, red grapes, red wine, grapefruits, limes, lemons, red orange and more).
- Cured and cultured food for good microbiome (fermented & preserved vegetables, cured meats, cured fish, sun-dried fig & tomato).
- Carbohydrates & proteins (B vitamins, amino acids, iron,  B12 for tissue repair).
- Eating outside or in view of nature (aka biophilia & well just plain gorgeous ).
- Going for a walk or bike ride after a meal (cardiovascular health, digestive enhancement).
- Intermittent fasting for a pause on the digestion and optimising blood sugars.


Top reasons to use meditteranean based foods 

Antibacterial and the sulfur ( if your not intolerant) is great for cleansing toxins as an anti-inflammatory.

Resist intermal mould and builds a better gut microbiome, reduces fungal infections and stops bloating

Cardiovascular gems monounsaturated oils are cornerstone to good heart health. 

Making sure your flora is good with beneficial bacteria from fermented and pickled foods, and slow fermented products.

Superfoods like the humble tomato, artichoke, grape and bitter endive contains incredible ingredients like lycopene, bitter alkaloid digestives and and antioxidants such as  anthocyanins .

Fibre and good slow release proteins from beans and pulses increase satiation and keeping you fuller for longer. They are also great for the bowel.

Fertility 'support '
with Acupuncture

Fertility acupuncture is a complementary therapy that involves the insertion of thin needles into
specific points on the body to support and enhance fertility.
Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, fertility acupuncture aims to address imbalances and
promote overall well-being in order to improve the chances of conception.

Key points about fertility acupuncture include:

1. **Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):** Fertility acupuncture is based on TCM principles,
which emphasise the flow of vital energy called "qi"  through meridians or energy pathways
in the body. It is believed that when these pathways are blocked or imbalanced, it can affect various aspects of health.

2. **Balancing Energy:** Acupuncture is believed to stimulate the body's energy flow, promoting balance and harmony
within the reproductive system. By targeting specific acupuncture points related to fertility, the aim is to regulate
hormonal levels, improve blood circulation to the reproductive organs, and enhance overall reproductive function.

3. **Stress Reduction:** Fertility acupuncture may help reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a negative
impact on fertility. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress hormones, acupuncture may contribute to a more
receptive environment for conception.

4. **Regulation of Menstrual Cycle:** Acupuncture may assist in regulating menstrual cycles and addressing irregularities.
Regular cycles are important for timing ovulation and maximising the chances of conception.

5. **Personalised Approach:** Fertility acupuncture practitioners conduct thorough assessments to understand an
individual's health history, constitution, and specific fertility concerns. Treatment plans are tailored to the individual's unique needs.

6. **Holistic Wellness:** Fertility acupuncture promotes holistic well-being by addressing not only physical aspects but also
emotional and mental factors that can affect fertility.

It's important to note that fertility acupuncture is not a guaranteed solution for fertility issues, and results can vary from
person to person. If you're considering fertility acupuncture, it's advisable to
consult with a qualified and experienced doctor or practitioner who specialises in fertility to discuss your individual
situation and explore whether this approach aligns with your overall fertility journey.


Age well.
Why accept the normal preconceptions that ageing must be painful? Aim to live beyond your chronological age mindset, trust that it is your biological age that really matters. All that you choose in your lifestyle and nutrition can positively influence a healthier body.

Start all session with comprehensive blood tests from your GP or get some done from us.

It does not matter where you live as have many client in remote Australia and work online as well. We ensure all you need is delivered to your door for a successful wellness Program. 

Follow our guidance and start making the switches, that support your longer term goals.

Making sure your gut, liver, bowel flora are all supported safely, using TGA approved nutraceuticals in low doses.

Cleansing using any combination of superfoods, supplemental powers, dietary avoidance of toxic foods for small periods of time.

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Patterns keep resurfacing?

Be guided and inspired with our unique Body- Soul Wellness readings.
Create the 'pause' to tune into your inner self.
Clarify key areas in your life where your energy & resources are unconsciously challenged. We focus on cultivating an awareness that is unique to you to help pave the way for a more balanced conscious approach to your life.

- Your key areas of focus in relation to your wellness wheel - the many dimensions of wellness that affect your daily energy.
- Your 'key' chakra energy centres of strength
- Your strengths specifically aligned to your birthdate.
- Guided information.

Theses sessions help to support your energetic wellbeing and clearly identify areas that are important to focus on for optimising your energy balance in your life.

A New perspective.
When intuitively something
nudges you to look within.


All our programs give you space and time to integrate changes.
Face to face & Online Sessions all can help you access the support you need effortlessly.

Select the level of engagement in your health goals that you wish (no pressure). Or set up a focused goal or plan towards a specific outcome to follow through at set times to achieve.

Your time is precious to you so we work around your schedule.


Environmental exposures and lifestyle are innately linked to your 
wellbeing. Now we have modern term 'biophilia' and research to prove it!.
We consider things from an environmental exposure level
such as mould, heavy metals and EMF for those who are especially sensitive.
We believe that this is why ancient cultures had sacred places for restoring wellness, such as temples and grounds linked deeply to nature.

Heart  & Intuition

Nothing is achieved without passion and a humble heart.
If you don't feel its right for you there is no pressure, and you can opt out at any time. We want you to be in it to win it and feel the love of being on a great journey towards your wellness goals.


We deep acknowledgment the  natural biological transitional fluctuations that occur in women in varying degrees from different ages. We know that moods can sometime go up and the down and work around this safely in a manner that integrates with your pre-existing medical care.

Download you free 
'Detox Decoded' Guide.

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Maybe you search amongst
the branches for
what only appears 
in the roots

Welcome. If you would like a free 15 minute 'discovery call' please let us know.

We are committed to your best outcomes.

  • Welcome

  • _____
  • Our holistic wellness services include:
  • - Functional Nutritional Medicine
  • - Wellness plans
  • - Acupuncture 
  • - HCANZA approved Health & Wellness Coaching Certification for Allied Health Professionals
  • - Multidimensional Energy Coaching-Healing  

  • Functional medicine Testing
  • -Fellow ATMS  
  • -HCANZA Allied Health Coach Professional

  • All functional medicine Testing including
  • - Microba CoBiome flora testing 
  • - Salivary, Urine & Blood testing
  • - Minerals/ Nutritional & Toxin Metals

  • Location's 
  • Private
  • By Appointment only Clinic: 
  •  Kent Town SA Adelaide Australia

  • + Online via Zoom / Phone
  • Australia Wide
  • & New Zealand

  • We use  online dispensaries with
  • Rn Labs, Integria, & Ariya Health
  • suitable  for all our
  • Australia wide clients.
  • We even deliver to
  • remote country areas.